Rechargeable Stun Guns

Rechargeable stun guns come with an included recharging cord or built-in plug.

Rechargeable stun guns are great because if you keep your unit charged, it is always ready to go. We carry a variety of styles of rechargeable stun guns, flashlight stun guns, stun batons, and cell phone stun guns. Models either come with an included recharge cord or have a built-in slide-out plug that plugs directly into a standard wall electrical outlet.

RESTRICTIONS: Please read our Stun Gun & Taser Laws to verify legality in your state.


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Items: 112 of 21, per page
Items: 112 of 21, per page
SKU Product name   Price  
60800034 JOLT 86 Million Volt Mini Stun Gun
  • $28.99
60800032 Ladies' Choice 21 Million Volt Stun Gun with 120dB Alarm
  • 11% less
  • $31.99
60800025 SMACK 16 Million Volt Keychain Stun Gun
  • 17% less
  • $28.99
60800035 Black Jack 21 Million Volt Stun Gun with 120dB Alarm
  • $33.99
61500022 JOLT 75 Million Volt Police Tactical Stun Flashlight
  • $26.99
61500010 Police Force 9.2 Million Volt Rechargeable Tactical Stun Flashlight
  • 10% less
  • $44.99